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Are you an adult, do you have problems chewing, does your ear, head or even your back hurt?

Have you considered whether orthodontics could help you? Whenever we talk about orthodontics, we think of children or adolescents, but today adults want to have their teeth aligned to be able to bite food better, close missing tooth spaces or even resume treatments that never ended in their youth. For this reason, I am going to explain in this video the importance of performing correct orthodontics in an adult patient and the benefits that can be obtained.

1. For general health … when we have discomfort such as migraine, vertigo, ear pain, difficulty in having a good posture of our back, both sitting and standing, we have to evaluate if a possible cause is an occlusal disharmony. The malposition of the teeth and the absence of dental pieces, lead us to have this series of problems, causing a musculoskeletal imbalance. By improving the position of the teeth with the help of physical therapy, we can restore a correct posture of the muscles and skeleton.

2. Oral health….An incorrect dental alignment and an inadequate bite can favor the accumulation of food between the teeth, as well as making it difficult to clean them, giving rise to the appearance of periodontal disease (bleeding and pain in the gums). the appearance of plaque, calculus and caries is added. Correcting these malpositions of the teeth will make it easier for us to maintain oral health. We can also find situations in which, as a result of crowding, there is a greater wear of certain areas of the tooth in relation to others, and may even lead to dental loss or hypersensitivity.

3. Pronunciation and phonetic problems,,,,,, The teeth play a fundamental role in human speech, forming a perfectly closed cavity that allows the emission of sounds to communicate. However, in cases where the teeth do not have a correct location (open bite, protrusion of the upper incisors, overbite...), there may be certain problems when speaking, such as lisping or emitting a certain whistle. For its total correction, it is advisable for the orthodontist to work side by side with an audiologist.

4.Prepares the patient's mouth for subsequent treatments On many occasions, to face dental treatment, it will be necessary for the teeth to be properly placed, so that it can be carried out without any complications and offers truly satisfactory results. It is possible that spaces need to be created in the mouth for the placement of implants, space closure, bone graft surgery and even for rehabilitation such as crowns and bridges, in these cases it is required to work hand in hand with the orthodontist 5. get the most out of your smile One of the reasons that moves adults to wear orthodontics is to have a perfect smile. Having the teeth well positioned will make the patient feel good about himself, more secure. A feeling that will affect your social relationships, as well as professional ones.

With the results of orthodontics, you will lose the habit of avoiding smiling with your mouth open or covering it with your hand so that no one can see your smile. Say goodbye to your complexes and gain in quality of life. Remember that a straight, white and bright smile reduces an average of 10 years to your age

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