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Updated: Mar 31, 2022

Through this type of dental restorations, we can make changes to the anatomy, size, shape and color of the tooth in the most conservative way possible. They are indicated in situations where you want to improve the aesthetic appearance of a tooth, such as: irregular shapes, changes in size and anatomy, and the presence of black spaces between the teeth. It consists of a minimal preparation of the external face of the tooth, where the veneer will later be adhered, thus restoring the tooth, achieving the desired appearance in a natural way, it could be said that it is like a false nail, but with the hardness and biocompatibility necessary to be in the mouth There are two types of materials in which they are generally manufactured:

The resin, which is a biocompatible plastic, enriched with porcelain particles and dental ceramics, also called porcelain or lithium disilicate. the latter is a layer of glass enriched with color, which gives greater durability and beauty to the teeth. Next, I will explain its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages: Its main advantage is its low aggressiveness, which makes it a painless and simple procedure.

· The American Dental Association (ADA) has pointed out that they serve to lighten yellowish teeth that are not very susceptible to whitening;

correct broken, worn or slightly misaligned teeth

· close spaces or a diastema (large and noticeable distance between the upper front teeth).

Its applications include the removal of localized imperfections such as permanent stains

They have been used to eliminate excessive tooth wear

Eliminate sensitivity in very sensitive teeth

· “reinforce fractured or cracked teeth”

improve the vertical dimension, shape and brightness of severely deteriorated teeth

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