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Which is better resin veneers or porcelain veneers?

Currently there are several ceramic materials and techniques for the manufacture of dental veneers (glass ceramics, ceramics reinforced with leucite or lithium disilicate, among others), however, among all the available options, feldspathic ceramics and composite occupy a place preponderant. But, which veneers are better when deciding? As a general rule, porcelain veneers offer better long-term results, only they are more expensive and require a minimum of 7 days to be carried out by the team of dental technicians. However, resin veneers can be done in a single appointment of approximately 4 hours and their cost is lower.

Porcelain veneers · Optical properties. Feldespathic porcelain has great aesthetic value and high translucency, resembling natural dentition in this. · Mechanical properties. We mentioned it before: feldspathic ceramics are much more susceptible to fracture under mechanical stress. According to the group of researchers led by Pevesi Pini (2012), taking into account its "intrinsically brittle and fragile" nature, it must be reinforced and fixed to the dentition. · Thickness. Feldspathic porcelains have been extensively analyzed and have a microcrystalline structure with uniform distribution. · «With thicknesses ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 millimeters, the ceramic laminate provides an extremely faithful reproduction of natural teeth, providing great color stability»

advantages Decrease "postoperative sensitivity" They require minimal preparation and preserve tooth structure, saving time and materials The adhesion of these veneers is more predictable Due to its thinness, the material is almost transparent, resulting in natural-looking restorations” · It is possible to strengthen the union of the veneer with the enamel.

disadvantages · “Masking deeply discolored teeth is difficult because porcelain is so thin” · “All ceramic restorations tend to be more expensive than their non-ceramic counterparts” They require a highly trained specialist due to the difficulty of the technique, since poor cementation can cause major long-term problems.

resin veneers advantages · They can be installed directly, "which translates into less application time with good initial aesthetics" · Composite veneers are easier to modify, preserving their mechanical properties; they can even be “redone if the selected initial tone(s) is(are) incorrect

· Como queda dicho, instalarlas en una sesión es razonable y son más económicas

Disadvantages · They have a much shorter lifespan; so that its aesthetic qualities are compromised in the long run. They are more prone to fading and wear, and are subject to even higher levels of abrasion than their ceramic peers · “Clinical skill during placement, finishing and polishing of the composite plays a crucial role in the long-term esthetic result”

Similarities and differences · The resin veneers (direct and indirect) give the specialist more control over the overall dental procedure, including the selection and modulation of its shades and colors · The binding force between etched porcelain and enamel is usually higher than that of composite and enamel) Composite veneers tend to fail much more frequently than porcelain veneers, while absorbing higher levels of functional stress · According to several researchers, the survival of resinous composite veneers is limited to between 3 and 6 years, while others have concluded that their acceptable useful life could extend up to a decade at most. However, their ceramic counterparts have success rates greater than 95% during their first five years in service, ranging from 95% to 65% after 10 and 13 years, respectively.

What is the best composite for veneers? The answer to this question varies depending on the individual characteristics of the case. It is important that the selected resin adequately combine its aesthetic qualities and mechanical properties. It must be easy to handle and chromatically stable. All these attributes are linked to the number of particles present in the material.

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